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What our clients have to say

We were seriously considering a private offer of $2M on our family property. We sought Jamie’s opinion and subsequently engaged his services to take over the negotiations on our behalf. He achieved a result of $4.5M.

R & J Justice, 29 Jun 2022

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. Jamie’s ability to go the extra mile to navigate us through challenging market conditions was world class.

S & D Kelly, 16 Jun 2022

Jamie's dynamic approach never left anything on the table. He was particularly thorough in his approach and his marketing skills were exceptional. He would often carry out deeper research to help the buyers thought process that ultimately enabled us to sell the property in a challenging market. In all my dealings with Real Estate agents over many decades. Jamie rises far above the rest. Highly recommended.

Jeff A., 17 Aug 2021

Three years into our 12-lot property development project we had achieved just one sale in otherwise very good market conditions. In an attempt to find a solution, we interviewed four estate agents who all advised us that the reason for our poor results were due to our property being “overpriced”. Sometime later we then interviewed Jamie, rather than blame pricing he gave us a detailed analysis outlining deficiencies within our marketing and guided us on a complete overhaul of our branding message. He significantly increased the land prices of allotments by between 50 - 85%… and the resulting sales began immediately. We could not have accomplished our dream without his input.

Mike E, 14 Mar 2020